Tuesday, March 8, 2011

20 things

I turned 20 on Friday, and I made a list of things I want to continue doing, start doing, change the way I'm currently doing, etc. Here is said list, along with parenthetical explanations.

1. Start a blog!
(I obsessively read mom blogs and I feel that if I do so much reading I should also do some writing. and this will help me be more introspective which is, I feel, necessary at this point in my life.)
2. Take more pictures
(I used to be really into photography, and really I still am, I just need to get back into the swing of it.)
3. Be better to my body.
(Like work out. And have a more varied and balanced diet... currently I eat mostly bananas, eggs, bacon, bread, cereal, and avocado. That's not much variety, or balance!)
4. Be better to my soul.
(I don't know how to explain this.)
5. Be better to my mind.
(Read and write more, smoke and watch TV less.)
6. Write for fun!
(I was working on 2 novels before I came to college and started doing the typical detrimental college-type activities and also had to read and write thousands and thousands of pages a year, I completely stopped writing non-academic stuff. Which is stupid, because I love to write.)
7. RUG
(Okay so... I started to make a braided rug last summer out of old T-shirts, and then I started getting into smaller, quicker crafts like sewing and knitting last semester and totally stopped working on my rug. But I'm going to start working on it again so that when we get a house it can be used!!!)
8. Be neater/cleaner.
(I am the messiest person ever. I am very lazy, and I really don't care about having clothes/trash/general effluvia all over the floor. My friends and boyfriend with OCD are upset by this, so I want to change my ways! Also I'm trying to make this year all about GOOD habits, not bad ones.)
9. Be more responsible about MONEY!!!
(I try hard to keep track of expenses, but always get lazy with it. It's really depressing to write down how many times in a month I buy chips and tootsie pops and Odwalla juices from the school bookstore when I should be spending that shit on apples and meat and stuff that is not overpriced or unhealthy.)
10. Learn to cook more meals!
(I make a mean carbonara,  and caesar salad, and macaroni and cheese; and I can bake almost anything in the whole wide world. But a girl can't live off of bacon and eggs and 3 random italian dishes her entire life.)
11. Do work more.
(I have productivity issues and as an undergraduate student at one of the most academically rigorous colleges in the world, I should really be doing more homework.)
12. Smoke less.
(Yeah, I go to college in Portland, OR. What do you think I do in my spare time?)
13. Be a more available friend.
(I am bad at talking about feelings, especially with other girls. Most of my close friends are guys because I can be rude and insensitive around them and not have to talk about my asshole boyfriend or my period or other stupid girl stuff. Also boys appreciate my skills and interests [baking, being maternal, sex, politics, baseball] a lot more than girls do. However, I do have female friends and I love them and I want to be better at being friends with them, especially the ones on the east coast that I never see anymore.)
14. Be a better daughter to my dad.
(My dad and I used to be super close, but I stopped respecting him for many different reasons when I was about 16, and since coming to college have more or less blown him off and really only talked to him when I visit home. I don't want to be an ungrateful daughter or make my dad's life anymore miserable than it already is, so I am hoping to change my behavior.)
15. Don't be afraid to make CHOICES.
(I am very indecisive. When I make a decision I like to be really really really sure and confident about it, and I hate to be wrong or mistaken in any way, and this means that I often avoid making difficult choices for as long as possible, which is no bueno.)
16. Stop settling.
(I need to start fighting for what I really want, and stop settling for what I already have/what's convenient.)
17. Plan to travel!
(I have only left the country once, when I went to Spain my junior year of high school. I'm fluent in Spanish and getting there in French, and I really want to be more worldly. Thus, I must start PLANNING for the future, after I graduate, so that I can actually take some trips!)
18. Discover new music.
(I have been listening to the same shit since high school. I gotta branch out.)
19. Set and achieve goals!
(I don't know what this means, but I think, for now, these are some adjectives that get the gist of what I'm trying to say: honest, proud, healthy, responsible, just, respectable, and kind.)

So that's it for my first post. Probably pretty long in comparison to what I will be doing in the future, but a good start nonetheless. I will try to provide updates on how I think I'm doing on these 20 things, for reflective check-in type purposes.


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